Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First of many

     Let me be up front and honest and say I know NOTHING about blogging. So why start? To much time on my hands now. I recently had surgery on my ankle and have been punished with, as a min right now, 6 weeks of no weight bearing on the leg. So I'm stuck in crutches (maybe a review from a godsend) and I can't do hardly anything that I did before the surgery.
     I'm use to being able to get up take kids to school and do my thing. Whether that's studying, going grocery shopping or running around town. I can't do any of that now. I'm stuck sitting with my leg propped up. So I thought this may be an outlet for me.
     My frustrations with not being independent, worries of the family pitching in, having to depend on friends and family for the small things I should be able to do. But whatever, in the long run it'll all be worth it. Having the ankle work correctly with less pain (hopefully) will be worth it.
      I won't let it all be boring. I'll try to keep it up to date about the family and what we're up to as well. If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to let me know.

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